Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install missing fonts for downloaded template?

All of our templates included a support file as .pdf or .txt in the download. Before open or edit our items, you must have to install the used fonts. Just copy the font link from the support file and paste it on your web browser. Then download and install it on your computer. Sometimes you may see that support file named Documentation, Read me first, or Help.

Can I resell an asset on a digital Marketplace?

Not allowed. You are not allowed to resell or redistribution the original content.

Can I sell something I have created using Creatiya items?

Yes. You are allowed to incorporating into a larger design and sell it y customizing the original content (e.g. T-Shirt)

Can I share my Creatiya account or assets with others?

Not allowed. Items downloaded on Creatiya must be used by the subscriber only. We do however offer a teams account which allows up to five individuals including primary user to share one Creatiya account and assets.

Can I use already downloaded items in new end-projects after my subscription expires?

Not allowed. We have a fair-use policy that allow you to download only items that you intended to use.

Can I use Creatiya items in projects I complete for an end-client?

Allowed. You are allowed to use Creatiya items in projects I complete for an end-client

Can I use Creatiya items for personal & commercial projects?

You are allowed. For personal projects, you can use our resources as the main element of the design you’re using on your products as main or as a secondary element if you want to include self-made designs or designs from third parties. If you want to use our resources for commercial purposes, please remember that our resources must be used as secondary elements of the final design you wish to include on your products.

What is Item Support?

Limited support. Basically, Item support is not included in our plans, however we care our customer anyway. If you believe an item is broken and having troubles or missing anything as described/preview, please contact us via [email protected]

What is the Item fair use policy?

This policy, which forms part of your User Terms, is designed to keep things fair for the talented and creative contributor community. You must only download Items when you have the intention to use them.

It is a breach of this policy and your User Terms to download Items that you do not intend to appropriately use, to use scripts or bots to mass download items, or to download Items in advance in order to use them after the subscription is over. To keep this fair use policy effective, we have limited the download number for a day. The number of limits of the download for a day is maximum 30. We may increase our limits of fair use policy download day by day as customer requirement.

How secure is my payment?

All payments are securely processed over HTTPS and your card information never touches our servers. All payment processing is done by a third-party credit card processor (Stripe) and PayPal. All details are sent over SSL.

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