Terms and conditions

Before you sign up and download or use Creatiya’s downloadable item(s) for your own purposes, please make sure you have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms. By using Creatiya and/or other items, we assume you’ve accepted the terms of use given below.

We reserve the right to change and modify terms and conditions at any time without any prior notice.

Item delivery

All our free downloadable items are available for direct download after login. All paid downloadable items can be downloaded upon purchase a subscription that covers the item available to download. Paid items will be instantly accessible for download after payment is received and verified. To process our payments we use Stripe, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and all major credit cards. You must agree with their terms and conditions before paying for any of our items.

Your purchase information will be emailed to the associated email address. You need to open an account with our site to download any of our free/paid items. There are some cases that your payment is not successfully done and then we have to review and process download information manually. So, delays can be as long as 1 hour and up to 24 hours depending on the situation and extent of investigation required after a fraud alert has been activated.

Item compatibility

All type of items are designed to be compatible with the mentioned application version[s] and file format[s] in the item details.

Use and mdodifications

You are allowed to use and modify any of our items according to your requirements.

Unauthorized/illegal uses

We reserve the right of blocking your user account immediately if we believe that you are trying to abuse the license term or our business in any way.

If you create an account on the Creatiya website, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under the account and any other actions taken in connection with the account. You must immediately notify Creatiya of any unauthorized uses of your account or any other breaches of security.

Item licensing and usage

All of our items are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or later. You are not allowed to sub-license, resell or rent it. You are allowed to use Creatiya items both of personal and commecrical purpose. For personal projects, you can use our resources as the main element of the design you’re using on your products as main or as a secondary element if you want to include self-made designs or designs from third parties. If you want to use our resources for commercial purposes, please remember that our resources must be used as secondary elements of the final design you wish to include on your products.

Item fair use policy

Only use an Item if you have a valid and live Creatiya subscription and have registered the Item for use.
This policy, which forms part of your User Terms, is designed to keep things fair for the talented and creative community who make Items available on VertexMedia Markets.

You must only download Items when you have the intention to use them.

It is a breach of this policy and your User Terms to download Items that you do not intend to appropriately use, to use scripts or bots to mass download items, or to download Items in advance in order to use them after the subscription is over. To keep this fair use policy effective, we have limited the download number for a day. The number of limits of the download for a day is maximum 30. We may increase our limits of fair use policy download day by day as customer requirement.

Age requirements to use our items

By registering for our items you hereby declare that you are 18 or over 18 years of age or have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence or possess legal parental or guardian consent, and are fully competent to enter into the terms and conditions described here. Our items are not intended for children. If in any case, you are under 13, please do not use our services.

Support policy

Limited support. Basically, Item support is not included in our plans, however we care our customer anyway. If you believe an item is broken and having troubles or missing anything as described/preview, please Contact us.


Free downloads are available after signing in. However, all of our customer purchases can be pending for manual anti-fraud check-up to review of the payment system. You will receive a detailed email about your payment. Anti-fraud check occurs due to the growing number of fraudulent transactions from persons who are not actual cardholders of the credit cards used during purchases. Customer account can be suspended for manual anti-fraud check for 24 hours, also it can be suspended for a longer term for more investigations.

Price changes

Creatiya reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any item or pricing plan (or any part thereof) with or without notice.


We have a customer-friendly 30-day refund policy. But you can not ask for a refund claiming a feature that your purchased item does not include. We offer a refund of the full amount, however, we have the right to charge (no back) the payment processor fees.

Some of our items are for free available on Creatiya. Please try them before you decide to buy. You can also discuss with the support team for features you need for your platform.

Some reasons that have merit to provide a refund
– Your downloaded item is “not as described”.
– Your downloaded item doesn’t work the way it should.

We also reserve the right to refuse a refund in the following situations:
– You simply changed your mind.
– You purchased an item by mistake.
– The item was bought by your employee.
– You request for refund issue later than 30 days from your purchase time.
– You purchased an item but have not been downloaded or used.
– You refuse to provide the reason of the refund request.


In no event shall our juridical person be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our items.

We are not licensed to provide stock images and certain true-type fonts (TTF) that might be used on any or all of the provided items. These require you to own or purchase from their respective owners. The preview images including mockups we show in the preview of our items are totally for preview purposes.

Lifetime License

The term “Lifetime” refers to the lifetime of the Item. It does not mean the buyer’s lifetime or any other assumption of the term. The item lifetime is not defined at the time of purchase. Creatiya reserves the right to announce the end of Lifetime of a item any time within 30 and 90 days prior notice to the Customer.

Creatiya reserves the right to change or modify the above contents at any time without any prior notice.

Last updated on April, 2024.